Who we are

Equipping and mobilizing Christians in a fallen culture.

Welcome to Seeds of Revival Ministries!

The purpose statement for Seeds of Revival Ministries is, “Equipping and mobilizing Christians in a fallen culture.” Our logo is two stylized hands in prayer around a stylized seed with a cross in the middle, all made to look like a flame. Together they represent the fire of revival centered on the cross of Christ and bounded by prayers of the body of Christ, all pointed heavenward.

New book release

This book began as an adult elective in a midweek church class. The title, Jesus Said What?, captures the approach attempted here. For example, when Jesus said in the Sermon On the Mount, You have heard that it was said, Do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart, His hearers had a “Jesus Said What?” moment.

New book release

The First Night Before Christmas grew out of a desire to tell the Christmas story in an accessible way. Thee hope was to allow families to share and enjoy the real story of Christmas while acknowledging that there was once an historical figure who also served Christ by giving to children selflessly. In our family tradition, we always told our children about Jesus and His birth and earthly ministry. We also explained the history of Santa Claus and included that aspect of the Christmas season as well. That seemed to accomplish the goal of introducing our children to the real meaning of Christmas without the trauma of pretending that the modern idea of Santa is real, only to suddenly be disabused of that fantasy when they hear that he is not. Read more here.

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